Wise Words
When words resonate widely, or ‘hit the spot’ for some reason, they become famous quotes and are repeated through time and across the world. There are abundant written collections of quotes from more or less notable people. We can recognize quotable quotes anywhere, from literary sources and speeches, to popular songs and movies.
Our favorite quotes reflect how we think and feel about matters that matter. For example, we use quotes to support our ideas when we say something like: ‘As someone well said...’
We can derive inspiration and validation from the words of others. This is why we decided to dedicate a space here for our own collection of favorite quotes.
Write, copy, or cut and paste quotes that are meaningful to you.
Your list can include wise, funny, shocking, or intriguing quotes, from well-known sources as well as by others you may have overheard on the bus, in the elevator, or from children.
Of course, you can also include your own words among other quotable and memorable quotes.
Feel free to incorporate related anecdotes, illustrations, and reflections.
Here we offer some guiding questions.
· How do you select which quotes to include in your collection of wise words?
· In what situations do you tend to quote others when speaking?
· Do you recall having understood something, or having learned lessons through some of the words you quoted?
· How do your favorite quotes relate to your values?
· How are your favorite quotes related to your social, cultural, religious, and spiritual affinities?
· How do you use quotes in your personal and occupational roles?
· Do you tend to quote historical, religious, popular, and/or family figures?