Unity & Equity
Roots go deep, spread wide,
weave and braid with other roots,
link forces, find fuel.
Plaited, intertwined,
trees’ tall branches reaching out
strengthen the forest.
From their unity,
browns, greens, water, make compost,
fertilize the soil.
From our unity,
virtues shall germinate, grow,
feed, help heal the ground.
Committed to peace,
we partake in the crops’ feast.
In fraternity.
We’re a solution.
We move forward together.
No, not one step back!
By adding ourselves,
we multiply our chances.
By opening up,
daring, bold, vulnerable,
we extend, expand
Wars waged ‘round the world.
Sadly we humans forget
that we’re all neighbors.
We’re one of a kind,
and life is not a contest.
Thus, may we be kind.
Kin we are, yes, all.
Homo sapiens earthlings.
Join hands, fuse forces.
Kin we are, yes, all.
Kindred spirits we all are.
One of a kind, kind.
Give mutual aid,
keep each other company.
Support, sages say.
We are not alone.
We are all one, sages say.
With thou, and with Good.
The liminal space
between us is luminous.
Light is brighter there.
All whole and holy,
when we light each other’s ways,
keep each other warm.
Together we rise,
like the swells, the sun, the dough.
When we are ready.
‘We’ means all of us.
and ‘us’ means everyone.
Without exceptions.
May we dare to care,
to tend to those who need it.
No one left behind.
May we dare to share,
to ensure all get a chance.
No one left without.
May we extirpate
ignorance, hatred and greed.
Day by day by day.
May we get rid of
the prejudice pandemic.
Starting with ourselves.
Justice, joy, yes, yes!
Aspirations for our world.
North Star for our work.
Yes, eradicate
injustice, harmful isms.
Weeding every day.
Walking and weeding,
no matter what's happening,
keep us wise and woke.
May our voices, joined,
become votes for good, justice.
A virtuous vision.
May our heads, hands, linked,
be fuel for fairness’ furnace.
A valiant vision.
Risky, radical.
Together for a fair world.
Daring awesome feats.
‘United we can,’
reads the rally sign they made.
May justice prevail.
They take chances, risks,
willing to lose health, life, all,
for all earthlings’ rights.
They paid a high price.
In full, with high interest.
We're better for it.
How much for justice?
It’s not free, but sets us free
from fear’s, greed’s bondage.
Flag, faith, family
are not private property.
They belong to all.
Our patriotism,
our freedom, our liberty,
are not to be sold.
Nobody can claim
what is public property.
Joy, justice jackpot!
Divide all fairly.
May love set us free from greed.
What is fair, is fair.
Justice, equity,
empathy and unity.
What is fair and just,
is noble, virtuous, wise.
And better for all!