Service & Responsibility

Oh, how delightful,
to relish sweet pleasure, and
to meet our purpose!

To meet our duties, 
honoring their deep purpose. 
All duties have it.

Making food, fuel, friends.
There are many ways to serve.
Service is service.            


To toil in the soil, 
to make or to bake, to serve, 
to delve in the soul.

To work ‘til we sweat, 
to contribute our something, 
and rest in the end.


May we get going
and worry less about more.
Work improves our odds.


Bustling city buzz,
money and sunny honey.
Busy as beehive.


When we awaken, 
we no longer get worried.
We do get working. 


May we stay the course,
past the point of no return.
It’s not easy, no.

Yes, it takes courage.
May we encourage courage.
With trust and with truth.


Everyone changes.
May we change, shift on purpose,
with purpose, for Good.


With courage, effort,
we tackle the tough tasks, now.
For the common Good.


Putting right effort,
labor, never losing faith.
Good trouble, good work.


We are committed
to each other, to keep on.
It’s not over yet.

Too many to-dos.
Duty calls and tasks abound.
Be careful, my dear.

To please everyone.
To try to achieve it all.
It's a booby trap.

No mistakes at all.
Impossible-to-meet goals.

Some goods are well-earned.
Effort, will, perseverance.
Some come by pure grace.


We gave it our all,
‘til there was no more to give.
We lost anyway.

We put right effort,
labored, grappled, struggled, strained.
And this time it worked!

Though still far from goal, 
we’re quite closer than we were 
when started walking. 

While we’re not done yet,
things are better than they were
when started working.


Unity & Equity


Action & Persistence