Trust & Hope
Where do God, Grace hide?
Here, and there, and everywhere.
Up to good old tricks.
Awesome, amazing,
among all that’s possible.
Uncertainty, doubt.
We know little, if at all.
Ergo, faith and hope.
Yes, to trust fully.
Yes, to surrender, let go.
Yes, holding high hopes.
Faith and trust and hope
inspire, and instigate.
They turn on the lights.
Investing it all,
guided by the bright North Star.
We take the next step.
The way is scary,
the path is steep, treacherous.
Hope, fuel for the road.
To inhale with trust,
to sigh with faith in goodness,
and to smile with hope.
To await with faith.
To trust the guidance given.
To release, let go.
Bridges link and span,
reach out to the other side,
in good faith, trusting.
Fearful and furious,
we scare and hurt each other,
while Mother Earth burns.
Faithful and curious,
we soothe, care for each other,
and Mother Earth heals.
Awesome planet Earth,
what are we doing to you?
Amazing. Ailing.
Entrusting them all.
Flora, fauna, mineral.
Hoping they make it.
We turn them to You.
Human beings and planet Earth.
We will do our part.
Eager, expectant,
standing vigil patiently.
Hanging hope on hope.
Minimum wage work.
Some buy lottery tickets.
Hoping against hope.
We don’t know enough
to call it quits and give up.
Hope improves our odds.
Goodness bets on hope,
trusting we won’t drop the case.
That’s how progress works.
Take on all comers,
in our hearts as in commerce,
with faith and courage.
Trusting the Goodness,
or, better said, the isness,
helps us face the rest.
Blinded by bright light,
we can see with more than eyes,
and take the next step.
We give ourselves up,
to surprise, to joy, to awe,
and take a blind leap.
Things do, will settle.
Meanwhile, there's tasks, errands, breath.
Every fresh new day.
Trusting bestows hope,
what was good is then enhanced.
Sister, brother, dance!