From scary nightmares
and from impossible dreams,
may we wake up soon.
May our hurts be healed,
and may our hopes be fulfilled,
when our hearts are filled.
May we all stand straight.
May we all stretch far and long.
May we all stay strong.
If and when we must suffer,
may it be bearable.
May we see Your hands in everything, everyone.
May we follow Your index guiding us.
May we perceive Your gaze accompanying us.
May we hear Your voice comforting us.
May we feel Your lap welcoming us.
That we trust your arms carrying us.
May we overcome what is surmountable.
May we bear what is bearable.
May we remain
even when facing fear, fury, rage, hate, hurt.
May we remain
May we remain
more receptive
than reactive
when responding.
May we do what we can,
as well as we can,
while we can.
May we honor the opportunity to live.
May we laugh, may we love.
May we learn when we lose.
May we leave behind
what happened then,
and bring to now
what has been gained,
what has been learned,
despite of what has been lost.
May we emerge from hardship
generous, grateful, Grace-full.
May we rise stronger
-more humble and persistent.
May we rise wiser
-more open and patient.
May we rise better
-more aware and benevolent.
May adversity not close us,
not numb us, not harden us.
May we read between the lines:
‘Wake up, all of us!’
May the seeds
of our grandparents’ anger,
and our parents’ angst,
grow into awareness in us,
and in our children and grandchildren.
May fear not deter us.
May sadness not discourage us.
May pessimism not defeat us.
May cynicism not deflate us.
May anger not destroy us.
May differences not divide us.
May our words and wishes help, heal,
help heal the harm, the hate, the hurt, the heart.
May our attitudes and actions
help repair, restore, rebuild, reform, transform.
May we remain resilient
to resist giving up
our peace
and our power
to powerlessness,
to the powerful,
to the presidents, to the politicians, to the pundits,
to the principals, to the police,
to the bosses,
to the bullies,
to our partners,
to our peers,
to propaganda,
to the phone.
May we resist with fortitude
unfavorable and adverse
conditions and situations.
May we receive with gratitude
favorable and encouraging
conditions and situations.