
May walking the wood 

keep us clear, calm, and cool when 

we stand, speak for Good.



May we substitute, 

in urban, rural, wild lands, 

bullets for soul seeds.


May gun barrels wilt,

like flowers, spent after bloom.

And become compost.



Yes, as we’re not there quite yet.

Possible? Perhaps.



To pray and to act.

In and for our home planet.

To act and to pray.


To act and to pray.

On behalf of everyone.

To pray and to act.


To pray and to act.

With everything we have, are.

To act and to pray.



May rain come and fall.

May creeks trickle, rush, and flow.

May young saplings grow.





May rain fall,

may suns rise.


May clouds shade,

may pain fade.




Mother Earth,

may we protect your elements,

syncing with your life rhythms

our human instruments.



May we participate

in the continuation of life

skillfully, sensitively,

intentionally, wisely.




May we tend tenderly 

to that granted to us

by true grace.


May we guard fiercely 

that gifted to us 

by good gods.


May we grow gratefully 

that given to us 

by kind Goodness.


May we enjoy

what is enjoyable, 

taking nothing away from anyone.


May we grieve

for what is grievable, 

distinguishing what is and is not acceptable.


May we appreciate

what is available, 

making good use of what is useful.



May we waste not.

Not water, nor food, nor fuel.

Not word, nor thought, nor deed.

Not energy, nor strength, nor time.


May we waste not.

Not anywhere,

not any longer,

not anymore.


May we use well

all that we have, 

all that is given,

all that is earned.

May we use it all well.


May we figure out,

before time is up,
the elements,

the equation,

the formula,

the methods
for conservation,

for co-creation,
for coexistence,

for cooperation,

for consciousness,

for communion.




May we meet our maker’s motives.

May we fulfill the intention

of evolution and of creation.


May we make

at least as much

as we take.

May our treading

track light and purposeful,
without trampling the pastures.

May the traces of our travels and travails
serve as compost in the trail.


May people live in this planet

as long as we are sufficiently

healthy and helpful,

able to appreciate and to contribute

to goodness and grace,

beyond the human race.



May people leave this planet

once we are not sufficiently

healthy and helpful, 

able to appreciate and contribute

to goodness and grace,

beyond the human race.

May we stay

in this planet’s premises 

only until we’ve fulfilled

enough productive promises.



May our wheels
keep on turning,

for as long as we travel

with the Earth’s twirling.

May our petitions

hoist kites far and away

to where fresh air can be found,

as stubborn strong branches

reach high,




May our prayers

help tap the wells

until reaching pure clean water,

as tenacious taproots

dig deep,




