Code of Ethics



A code of ethics documents the principles of conduct that govern an organized group of people. It has to do with a moral philosophy, a system that indicates what is considered ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.


In human cultures, individuals may be expected to subscribe to the codes of ethics of their religious institutions or spiritual organizations. Professions also have codes of ethics to which their members commit.


A code of ethics can offer ‘moral support’ for our intentions. That is why we are offered here an opportunity to think about, develop, and commit to our personal code of ethics.




Focus on the questions: What do I consider good and right? What do I consider bad and wrong?


For inspiration, you can refer to the codes of ethics of your religious or spiritual group, those of your occupation or profession, and those of the institutions that you respect and support.


Outline your code of ethics, first noting your associations to the questions presented above.


Organize your notes in a document that lists and defines your ethical and moral principles. Keep editing it until you are satisfied, until it answers important moral questions to you, until you feel that it represents your intentions.




·       How does your code of ethics relate to the values ​​of your family and upbringing?


·       How does your code of ethics relate to your social, cultural, spiritual background?


·       How does your code of ethics relate to ethics code of your occupation?


·       How does your code of ethics reflect your way of life? Your moral character?


·       How do you anticipate using this code of ethics in your personal and occupational decision making?


·       How would it help you to put signs or other reminders of your code of ethics in places that you see or visit frequently?


How do the people around you resonate with your code of ethics?


Emergency Plan

