The Colorful Planet

Just the other day, in a cozy corner of the grand universe, a vibrant, colorful new planet was born. The creating forces named this planet Htrae.


Htrae had a bright orange sun, and beautiful blue skies reflected in vast oceans and lakes. There were wet green jungles and dry yellow deserts. High mountaintops were covered by cold ice and white snow. Valleys laid low and warm. And in between were rolling hills and rounded dunes in all shades of indigo and violet.


Htrae’s soil produced stones and gems, plants and trees, fruits, vegetables, and flowers of every imaginable color. Multicolored creatures flew the skies, swam the waters, and roamed the lands. Of course, Htrae’s people were diverse in their skin color as well. All beings enjoyed their picturesque, beautiful planet, and they got along well.


Until one day. As often happens, some people began complaining about the way things were in their home planet. They called themselves leaders, and set out to change life in Htrae.


‘There should be more order. The colors shouldn’t be all jumbled up like this. There is too much color all the time.’


‘But that’s the way it’s always been, and that’s the way it’ll always be.’


‘Not necessarily. Here’s an idea. There are seven basic colors, right?


‘Yes. There’s red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.’


‘Well, there are also seven days in a week. What if we assign a color to each day of the week? On Sundays, everything will be red. On Mondays, everything will be orange, and so on.’


‘Do you mean to have the colors take turns?’


‘Exactly! That way everything will be neater. And it will be fair, because every color will have their day. It’ll be Red Sundays, Orange Mondays, Yellow Tuesdays, Green Wednesdays, Blue Thursdays, Indigo Fridays, and Violet Saturdays.’


And the leaders made it so.  Only one color would be allowed each day of the week.


But life in Htrae was not going well. The orange sun could only shine like a sun on Mondays. The blue skies couldn’t be themselves on any day but on Thursdays. The green jungles only felt alive on Wednesdays. And the yellow deserts dreaded every day but Tuesdays. The plants, animals, and most people were suffering.


So, one day some other people got together and named themselves the new leaders of Htrae.


‘This color of the day idea is not working. What can make life in planet Htrae work well again?’


‘Here’s a novel idea. There are seven basic colors, right?


‘Yes. There’s red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.’


‘Well, there are also seven continents in planet Htrae. What if we assign a color to each of the continents? Everything that’s red, will go to North Amerinent. Everything that’s orange, will live in South Amerinent, and so on.’


‘Do you mean sort the colors by continent?’


‘Exactly! That way everything will stay in its place. Everyone can be themselves every day of the week, though only in one continent. What is red will live in North Amerinent, what is Orange in South Amerinent, what is Yellow in Asinent, what is Green in Antartinent, what is Blue in Euronent, what is Indigo in Australinent, and what is Violet in Afrinent.’


And it came to be that the new leaders separated Htrae’s inhabitants according to the color of their exterior.


Yet life in Htrae was still not going well. The orange sun had to stay in South Amerinent all the time, and everyone in the other continents missed its light and warmth. The blue skies were only allowed in Euronent. The green jungles were confined to the Antartinent continent. Yellow deserts could not move beyond Asinent, and so forth. The plants, animals, and most people were suffering.


Planet Htrae was in trouble. The once vibrant colorful planet was no more. Htrae’s inhabitants were no longer thriving in their home planet.


And that’s when the children spoke up.


‘It’s not fair to have everything of the same color stuck in just one place,’ said a girl.


‘Actually, it’s also pretty boring like this. Nobody’s feeling well, and nothing is working well,’ added a boy.


‘But the leaders made it this way. This must be the best way,’ the adults said.


‘There is a better way. Taste your favorite food. Flavors are mixed together, right?’ a child replied.


‘And listen to your favorite music. The seven musical notes are combined to make melody, and harmony!,’ said another child.


As the children were speaking, a huge, magnificent, brilliant rainbow appeared above. It could be seen by all, from every continent in Htrae.


The rainbow showed them all a better way, as the creating forces intended when designing it. All colors alongside each other. Every day of the week. In every continent in Htrae.


And so, it was. They all thrived and enjoyed their beautiful, colorful planet again.


Projects Prompts


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