Projects Prompts



Here we present prompts as ideas and instruments for complementing your investigations, introspections, inspirations, and intentions.




Investigation- Make lists, drawings, collages, copy clippings of ideas to continue your self-investigation. Some of the topics you can address in your research and reflections include:


Places (moving, migrating, traveling; experiences in specific rooms, buildings, towns, countries)

Time (history, past, present, future)

Nature (flora, fauna, mineral, climate)

Body (nutrition, sleep, exercise, illness)

Relationships (intimate, family, friends, neighbors)

Music (playing and/or listening, singing, dancing)

Arts (create and/or appreciate arts, crafts)

Sciences (biology, ecology, technology)


Instrumentation- Copy or attach the text, instructions, and references to other instruments that may contribute to your integration. Examples of instruments not included on the previous pages are:


Drawings (of yourself, family, scenes, etc.)

Play (using puppets, dolls, games, etc.)

Drama (act out roles based on your experiences)

Sand tray (create scenes with figurines)


Introspection- Copy, paste, or write insights and self-discoveries that have contributed to your development. Topics not included in the previous pages include:


Names (first names, nicknames, titles)

Life themes (repeating trends and patterns)

Virtues and vices (good and bad habits)

Win/lose (contests, races, battles, games)

Dark nights (crises of faith, turbulent times)

Notables (friendships, loves, broken hearts, awakenings, losses)

Money (earn, spend, save, invest, gift)

Relationships (intimacy, conflict, growth)

Jobs and roles (family, occupational, social)


Inspiration- List, copy, or write about the sources of inspiration that contribute to your learning and development. Products of your own inspiration are also welcome here. One way to organize them is under the following headings:


Anecdotes and coincidences

Songs and movies

Cartoons and jokes

Mysteries and miracles

Images and metaphors

Amulets and altars

Diplomas and awards

Ideas and inventions


Intention- Think of yourself as an intentional being, directed to certain goals, who, with awareness and determination, can achieve change and undertake new ventures, eliminating obsolete or harmful patterns. Make lists, copy ideas, paste, or draw pictures, or write freely about your intentions. State your resolutions, and acknowledge progress and setbacks. Here are some ideas for your consideration:


Take care of the health of my body

Stimulate the wholesome development of my mind

Cultivate the virtues of my soul

Tend to my relationships

Learn or practice skills

Change behaviors

Adjust attitudes

Manage and express emotions constructively

Distribute wisely my time, energy, effort, money and other resources



The Colorful Planet