Space & Time
In the space, distance
between oneself and others.
Almost here and now.
Glowing luring opening.
The liminal space
between us is luminous.
What if we lived there?
Sacred enclosures.
Forests, oysters, cocoons, caves.
Templum, temenos.
Everything in, out.
The boundary, a mirage.
Everything out, in.
Nothing left outside.
Large enough for everything.
All encompassing.
Oaks, goats, horses, hay.
Quite quiet, but for the neighs.
Rural getaway.
Cool, dewy morning.
The city, quite quiet still.
It’s starlit teatime.
The village, sleeping.
And the birds are up early.
All at the same time.
Time seems to sit still,
as the sun is dimming down.
No, no, please, not yet!
The ephemeral,
sighs and sings right where we are.
The eternal, too.
Only in the now,
and only in this space, place,
we live, and we are.
In this space and place,
we can do what we can do.
May Goodness guide us.
A bend in the road.
We can’t see what lies beyond.
Here: wildflowers, clouds.
Green summer landscape.
Then, nature paints its changing.
White winter landscape.
We are on our way.
Not tomorrow, here today.
We are wayfarers.
Today we begin
another trip to the core
of the labyrinth.
Today we commence
to write a new page again.
Letter by letter.
Every moment,
free from others, past, future.
Each now is brand new.
Available now,
‘as is’ liquidation sale.
Without warranties.
For the time being.
It is all we truly have.
Later on, who knows?
Tomorrow, future,
yesterday, some time ago,
all mere illusions.
Ago and what’s next,
surround the present moment.
Are pure fantasies.
Yesterday we grieved.
Tomorrow we may suffer.
What about today?
Time and time again.
May we bring light and goodness
to every now.
Each single instant,
gifted, willing and ready.
Fertile, rich, new, now.
To stay, to grow roots.
To settle in, in the now.
Its rich soil nurtures.
Another dawning.
Questions, hopes, chores, yawn and tea.
Beginning anew.
Another twilight.
Review, regrets, yawn and tea.
Enough for today.
There are enough hours
to do that which matters most.
That’s the time challenge.
Ripening takes time.
And harvesting takes patience.
And so does weeding.
When we remember,
we revisit what is past.
What is gone, almost.
Total amnesia,
forever lost diaries.
Present here is now.
We are here and now,
manifesting human life.
Until no longer.
In this now, we are
of life manifestations.
Until no longer.
While, in the meantime,
the moon comes after the sun.
And vice versa.
While, in the meantime,
the young seeds sprout, grow first leaves.
The old withers, die.
Cemetery field.
Chess pieces are not moving.
A pause in the game?