


When we speak of resources, we refer to what we consider sources of supply, support, services, information and/or expertise. We come across people, organizations, websites, podcasts, etc. that may serve us for one purpose or another in some area of our lives. Perhaps when we write a memoir, or if we advise someone who needs help, or when creating or joining a group, undertaking studies, or exploring a matter for our personal or occupational development. Exchanging resources with others is an enriching experience in itself.


Resources that are potentially useful are not useful if we do not have access to them when we need them. This is why we are offered here a place to collect and organize resources relevant to us.




Write down each time you find a resource that might interest you, even if you don't need it right now.


You may include ones you have used, as well as ones you may access in the future.


You can organize them by categories, with headings according to your areas of interest or according to the type of resource (books, other publications, recordings, organizations, websites, etc.).


Through the questions below, we invite you to reflect on the process of identifying and using resources as sources of inspiration.




·       How do you select which resources to include in your collection?


·       What makes a resource valuable to you?


·       When do you tend to seek resources?


·       Who would include you on their resource lists?


·       When do you offer, share, or recommend resources to others?


·       How can you use these resources for your personal development?


·       How can you use these resources as inspiration in your primary occupations?



