
Under Projects, we offer exercises and space for personal exploration and reflection. Intended to facilitate the integration of experiences, knowledge, and resources, may they serve as fertilizer and compost to the kind of self-awareness that can contribute to collective well-being.

Human beings seek to understand and learn from experiences, and to incorporate these in a meaningful way, so that they serve us as we move along in life. Many of us desire to understand our and others’ thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This tendency responds to a natural inclination to make sense of what is perceived. Even when we are stunned, upset, or hurt by events and circumstances, we try to integrate them into a coherent view of ourselves and others, the world, and life.

Integration is a delicate, difficult, sometimes painful process. Just as we should not rush when cooking a stew, sewing a quilt, or building a house, it is preferable not to hurry into the integration of our experiences. This process takes attention and effort, patience, and persistence. Engaging in this endeavor with awareness and conscientiously is considered crucial for personal development and for healing. The projects proposed here intend to stimulate self-exploration, as the level of self-knowledge of each person can increase or decrease their effectiveness as a contributor to the common good.

The projects are categorized as follows:

The Investigation section invites us to seek and find answers by observing, listening, studying, and analyzing situations.

The Instrumentation section is a collection of tools to assist us on the road to integration.

The Introspection section recognizes the importance of insight and intuition to make discoveries and to advance our learning.

The Inspiration section identifies and honors individuals, institutions and other sources of guidance and encouragement.

The Intention section prompts the creation and documentation of our own initiatives.


