Personality is what makes each individual a unique person. It consists of a complex of characteristics. Since we bring our personality to the performance of all our roles, and we respond to other people to a certain extent according to our character, it is helpful to get to know our personality, and put it at the service of our intentions.
There are many theories of personality, attempting to explain how the character traits of each person develop and change. These theories tend to categorize the main traits into groups or types. Personality profiles have been established based on temperament, predispositions, and tendencies to perceive and respond to situations in given ways. Innumerable personality tests and questionnaires have been developed based on a host of psychological models. These are used in assessment, and in therapy with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Here we offer an opportunity to reflect on our personality traits, and on how they play out in our relationships. Personality traits tend to be stable and enduring, but we can shift when we become aware, integrate our experiences, learn and choose ways of being and acting according to our values, aspirations, and purposes. We can all change.
Take questionnaires or personality tests (available online and administered by psychologists).
Create a description or profile that describes your personality traits.
Write down your thoughts on what has contributed to such profiles or personality types.
Think about what you want to preserve and change, and how to do so.
You may reflect on the process by answering the questions below.
· What appear to be the prominent sources, characteristics and manifestations of your present personality profile?
· What aspects of your personality type do you want to preserve? Why? How?
· What aspects of your personality type do you want to change? Why? How?
· How can being aware of your personality traits and tendencies help you in your personal and occupational roles?