Personal ID



We bring who we are to everything we do. We respond to others in certain ways based largely on who we are. And people respond specifically to who we are, including how we look, how we speak, where we come from, and what we value. For example, there are those who respond more easily or more favorably to females than to males, and vice versa.


This exercise is an opportunity to identify some aspects of our identity as individuals. Recognizing where our ideas and reactions come from makes it less likely that we will respond to others based solely on our history. When we are more aware, we are more protected from mistaken or harmful projections. This awareness will also help us to recognize which issues will be easier and more difficult for us to address as individuals, and to seek help when necessary.


Some general aspects of our personal identity tend to be stable, such as cultural background. Other aspects may change with the passage of time, such as age. And there are some aspects of our identity that are likely to shift upon the integration of experiences, such as political leanings.





On the next page, write about each aspect of your general personal identity, putting down what comes to mind first.


After some reflection, include additional responses.


Identify sources or contributing factors to your answers. Indicate if you have noticed any changes in the past, and if you anticipate future shift in these aspects of your personal identity.




·       How were your answers altered or expanded after reflection?


·       What appear to be the main sources or contributing factors to how you identify?


·       To what extent do you attribute changes in your personal identity to your deliberate choice, or to external circumstances?


·       How will you apply awareness of these aspects of your personal identity to the performance of personal, occupational, social tasks and duties?



Age & Developmental Stage


Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation









Ethnic & Cultural Background













Socio-Economic Status










Religious & Spiritual Beliefs










Political Leanings & Affiliations


Highlights from the Past

