
She stood still there, as if frozen, in disbelief. Could it be true? After all they, she, he… 


He looked away, wishing to go away, hoping that one day, ideally today, all this would be erased away, gone, forever.


Forever. That’s what they had vowed to each other. ‘Until death do us part.’ They didn’t know that it would be life what would set them apart.


Part of them died today. Or was it already dead, unbeknownst to them both? 


Both of them used to say, ‘never say never’ and ‘never lie.’ It’s too late for that now. He had lied, had hurt her with the greatest, worst lie.


Lie as large as this one she could not have imagined. Can such a lie ever be forgiven, ever forgotten?


I’d be lying if I said I knew.



