Integrity & Authenticity
We’re wearing costumes.
We dress up in virtuous veils.
Strip to birthday suit.
Without coverings,
open to the elements.
Yes, fully exposed.
Naked, full frontal.
Uncovered and discovered.
Costumes not needed.
Disrobing with trust.
Garments, mask, concealer, bye!
Truth is courageous.
True close encounter.
Face to face and eye to eye.
No need for makeup.
Innocent secrets,
here, hidden just between us.
Pristine silences.
We’re nothing special,
and extraordinary.
We are who we are.
True to our nature,
no added ingredients.
No artifices.
To hold it lightly,
while taking it seriously.
And keeping it real.
Real food and real goods,
authentic gold, gem, smile, self.
Forgeries are lies.
‘Ever,’ ‘forever,’
intentions, resolutions.
‘Always’ is a lie.
Even when well meant,
vows, promises are broken.
‘Never’ is untrue.
True intimacy,
intimidating, risky.
Worth taking the chance.
Distractions galore,
call their attention, here, here!
Focus on this, now.
Temptations abound,
here, there, everywhere they look.
Take a deep breath, sigh.
Without reverence,
what truly matters, doesn't.
Gets lost in the mire.
In the muck we must
call, recall lightness, goodness.
Lift foot, take a step.
“Nice” neutrality,
when facing atrocity:
cruel complicity.
Misguided action,
despite a kind intention,
may have cruel impact.
In awe of poets,
they face wrongs, indifference,
and do what they can.
They take chances, risks,
willing to lose health, life, all,
for their principles.
They’re taking a stand,
it's a virtuous, valiant stance.
For this, against that.
True to their compass,
when saying ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’.
Sleep much better now.
That’s not who we are.
We’re better than that, they say.
So, who is ‘that’, then?
Honor, keep our word.
To fulfill what was promised.
It is difficult.
There’s a price to pay.
Honesty, integrity.
Dangerous. Worth it.
It does not come free.
Ask for that which we deserve.
It is worth the price.