May we hear others,
listen well to each other.
May we see others,
observe through others’ viewpoints.
Wide lens perspective.
When steeped in sorrow,
surrounded by steeps, sinkholes.
May solace find us.
We ask for those
now next to us.
We ask for those
who are coming next.
May our thought,
and deed
reflect wise
and warm
and actions
for the common Good,
the greater Good.
May Goodness
be manifested
in each instant,
in every location,
in all hearts
and in all nations.
May we count
on clarity,
and courage
to communicate
and coexist
May we have enough
wisdom and courage
to give, take, share,
to say ‘enough,’ ‘no,’ and ‘go.’
May we not get numbed, dulled, blunted
to our siblings’ suffering.
And, if we do…
May we find the way back
to our humane heart home.
May we
simply support,
help, hold,
encourage, embrace
each other.
May we live with kindness.
May we commune in kinship.
May community,
working in unity
and solidarity,
help humanity
reclaim its liberty,
heal into sanity.
May we learn,
may we teach.
May we share,
may we begift.
May we open,
may we lift.