Spring season is here.
Buds and blossoms are blooming,
We smile, also sneeze.
After the rainstorms,
a wildflower super bloom.
Botanical binge!
Woodland wild wonder,
iris douglasiana.
Praising in purple.
Effusive iris,
we welcome your wild beauty.
No need to tame it.
April opening,
semi disguised, quiet, white.
Seven brand new buds.
The blossom petals,
pale, soft, smooth, tiny, tender,
glow in the dark night.
Playing hide and seek,
fairy slipper’s tiny bloom
makes long hikes worthwhile.
Pretty in purple.
Bloomed in silence, among pines.
She’s aging solo.
While gaze in the clouds,
pussy ears hello below.
Almost stepped on it.
Star-shaped wildflowers.
They simply are as they are.
No comparisons.
Redwood lily bloom.
Deer’s sweet snack, hikers’ delight.
Who will find her first?
Wow, wild columbine!
Your tender revelation
a sublime surprise.
Ah, hydrangea!
Almost indescribable
beauty beyond words.
Oh, quilted blossoms!
On you rests our tired gaze.
Gaia's handiwork.
Mmm, rose blossoms bunch!
Color, fragrance potpourri,
from bud to full bloom.
Long-lasting blue bloom!
You restore my faith in life.
Agapanthus, thanks.
This morning, wistful
wisteria brought me back.
Life, beauty now, here.
Red geranium,
liberate my loneliness.
Tell me about God.
Sigh, lovely queen tears,
bubble gum stems, rainbow blooms.
Why are you crying?
Elegant leafage,
your flowers, dangling tassels.
Are yours, tears of joy?
Bird of paradise:
flora, fauna, all-in-one.
Showy drama queen.
The bearded iris
has rhizomes that can't be mulched.
Yes, we weed. Worthwhile.
One weed at a time.
To dig for the root and pull.
Day in and day out.
Weeds as ground cover.
Unexpected sprout of life.
Unwelcome visit.
Fierce climbing ivy,
among and beyond the weeds,
show off your brave feats.
Threading the wild weeds,
implausible place and time.
Just like joy pops up.
Drought, hot summer, sun.
an improbable sprouting.
Just as joyfulness.