Duality refers to the two-sided nature of something. It points out the inherent complexity in many phenomena. It is easier to conceive seemingly opposite concepts and qualities as mutually exclusive or contradictory, to assume an ‘either/or’ position, and to choose one or the other. However, recognizing dualities offers a broader, deeper, and perhaps wiser perspective. When we assume an inclusive position, we do not have to choose one side over the other. We have more to learn, more to contemplate, more to work with.
Below are pairs of words related to concepts commonly interpreted as opposite or mutually exclusive. Reflect on each pair from a ‘both/and’ perspective, appreciating the duality. Write down your ideas and associations.
Being/Doing Contemplation/Action
Us/Them Here/There
Now/Then Private/Public
Beginning/End Leading/Following
Sound/Silence Figure/Background
Micro/Macro Trust/Question
Nature/Nurture Speed up/Slow down
Wild/Tame Work/Play
Win/Lose Peace/War
Give/Receive Bitter/Sweet
Rich/Poor Saint/Sinner
New/Old True/False
Correct/Incorrect Good/Bad
Each day, try to notice when you are assuming an ‘either/or’ stance rather than a ‘both/and’ stance. Notice which one works better each time.
We offer below some questions for reflection.
· What difficulties did you experience when trying to shift from an ‘either/or’ perspective to one of ‘both/and’ in this exercise? In your daily life?
· What did you learn or gain from expanding your perspective to a more inclusive one?
· What are some issues for which you intend to try a ‘both/and’? Why?