What privilege and pleasure,
healthy enough to be,
for wonders to see,
at dawn, at dusk,
a tree, the sea, you, me.
We give thanks.
Because waking in the morning
is sweeter than sleeping in,
in this marvel-ous wonder-ful life
we have been given to live.
We give thanks.
Morning thanks,
duly deserved.
For having rested.
For having risen.
For having raisins.
We give thanks.
For the birds,
the flowers,
the fruits,
the showers.
We give thanks.
For this day,
its joy,
the harmony.
For the guidance,
keeping company.
We give thanks.
For this ‘hood
and its safety.
For this home
and its serenity.
We give thanks.
For quietude,
for solitude,
for multitude,
for virtue.
We give thanks.
For reflection,
for meditation,
for contemplation,
for inspiration,
for direction.
With grateful humble hearts, in anticipation,
we express appreciation.
For every experience,
for every experiment,
for every exam,
for every lesson.
We give thanks.
For the learning acquired
each day, life lessons,
evident and latent,
explicit and implicit,
easy and difficult,
joyful and painful,
all useful.
May we incorporate, integrate, apply them.
May with others we share them.
We pray with gratitude, with ardent fervor
for the scent of clean laundry,
and the sweat of honest labor.
We give thanks.
For development and experiment,
for each and every element.
For being guided and instructed
to play well our unique instrument.
We give thanks.
For science and its logical elements.
For technology and its useful implements.
For engineering and its functional instruments.
For psychology and its maps for acting.
For philosophy and its guides for thinking.
For the arts, channels for feeling.
We give thanks.
For our bodies’ sensations.
For our brains’ perceptions.
For our hearts’ emotions.
For our connections in this incarnation.
We give thanks.
For the musings of thinking.
For the rumblings from feeling.
For the free will in living.
We give thanks.
For comfort
when facing pain.
For encouragement
when facing fear.
For courage
when facing trials.
For Your peace, love, light,
the best there is in this life.
We give thanks.
For breath’s inspiration,
for food’s satiation,
for books’ instruction,
for all who brought this moment to fruition,
for each moment’s offerings, legacy, lessons.
We give thanks.
For being able to be able
to do as we do,
learning what we learn,
loving all we love.
We give thanks.
For nature, culture,
scripture, sculpture,
and adventure!
We give thanks.
For sweet sap,
for stringy scrap,
also for smelly crap!
We give thanks.
Thanks to love,
for the smiles.
Thanks to the sky,
says the soil.
Thanks to the friend,
for the fuel.
Thanks to life,
for life, for life!
bliss bequeathed.
Blissed and blessed
we are to be breathing,
when born, and beyond.
We give thanks
for every day
not taking a fall,
not feeling strong pain.
We give thanks
for the fire that warms us up and cooks our food.
We give thanks
for the water that puts out the fire
when burning harms, hurts, or is no longer needed.
Fresh and scented
comes the spring.
We give thanks
for everything.
Giving thanks
is gratefulness,
and appreciation.
Giving glory
is to give praise,
with awe
and with admiration.
Gratitude and Glory
to Gaia,
to Guides,
to Grace,
to Goodness, to Godliness,
to God!