We give thanks, for having the power of...
Inhaling, exhaling, sighing.
Ingesting, digesting, releasing.
Moving, resting.
Laboring, savoring.
Sleeping, waking, on-turning, off-turning.
Linking, separating, starting, ending.
Playing music, dancing, singing.
Sowing, cultivating, harvesting, cooking.
Understanding, forgiving.
Coexisting, sharing, teaming.
Caring, protecting, supporting, helping.
Mending, repairing, remediating, reforming.
Doubting, trusting, meditating, praying.
Accepting, adopting, adapting, acting.
Learning, teaching.
Agreeing, protesting.
Loving and living until leaving.
That's how powerful we are.
That's how fortunate we are.