
·       Power: Destructive? Constructive? Both, and instructive.

·       Our thoughts, words and actions have power, influence. Also, consequence.

·       Listening is key for learning, for broadening and deepening knowledge, for garnering and optimizing power, for cultivating and growing relationships, for manifesting the wise self better.

·       We can be powerful by listening, observing, absorbing, and applying, responsibly.

·       We can benefit the vulnerable, by prompting the powerful to use their power for the greater good.

·       We do not have to give in, nor give up our peace and our power to the powerful, be them principals, police, politicians, presidents, partners, peers, propaganda, powerlessness.

·       It takes courage to summon our power, manifest our potential, and put our principles to practice.

·       The power of love and goodness energizes fervor, strengthens valor.

·       Human beings can contribute our knowledge, products, productions and power, in synchrony and in harmony with the wisdom and power of our mother nature, father cosmos, goodness.

·       Happiest are not those with the power to do more, but those who wield their power well.



