
o   We are all sailors sailing in the seas, among the seals and the sharks.

o   We all limp, fall, err, sin, fail.

o   We human beings are, or can be, suns, shades, shadows.

o   We can support the sun’s efforts, as torches, candles, lanterns, lamps and lampposts do.

o   Apparently only we human beings try to figure out nature’s riddles, physics’ puzzles, life’s mysteries.

o   Even if and when we don’t fit in well in groups and groupings, we all belong to the human species and the earthling population.

o   We are what we are; no more, no less.

o   We can do what we can do; no more, no less.

o   We can practice what we preach. Walk the talk. Live fully, honestly. Hug our bodies. Realize ourselves through our deeds. Cultivate and cherish our relationships. Honor our soul. Care for our home planet. Isn’t that what we humans are here for?

o   Loss of faith in our humanity leads to the end of humanity.



