That which commences
quite often comes to an end.
That is how it is.
Ephemeral all.
Footprints, feelings, features, facts.
Flora, fauna, us.
Everlasting, not.
Ferns, food, family, friends, foes.
Flora, fauna, us.
Brown recluse spider
in our home’s bathroom. Killed it.
It was self-defense.
mistaken identity.
Wish I knew better.
Leaves release, fall, drop,
throw themselves into the void.
Is to die to fly?
Sun setting again,
in a silent smooth farewell.
Like a gentle death.
Slowly, suddenly,
sooner or later life leaves.
Live, die. So be it.
Big black lab Brodie,
the mellow, gentle guard dog.
Lived a long, loved life.
Tiny dog, sweet Tea,
crossed the rainbow bridge as well.
Sad household this week.
Down the long hallway
towards the great mystery
we will all parade.
On the other side
of what we can sense and know
may be something else.
Go through the threshold
between life here and the rest,
whatever that is.
And this is the end!
Or so it seems from here, now.
Perhaps there’s no end.
Life ceases, stops, ends.
Is this end the final end?
Life keeps going on.
Death is persistent,
relentless, regardless, yes.
And yet, so is life.
Death is tenacious,
over and ever again.
And yet, so is life.
All in their due time.
White, black, gray, dawn, noon, dusk, night.
Living and dying.