
o   It costs to enter, spend time in, and leave the park called life. The price is worth it.

o   More than matter, life is a mystery, a miniscule miracle, a magnificent marvel, capitalized or not.

o   Life’s complexity resides in the simple seed.

o   Much lies dormant, sleeping, until its time and turn to turn to bloom and produce. All withers, eventually. And it turns into dust, ashes, fertilizer, in the great carbon compost.

o   After all, and despite the rest, life keeps surging, and the hearts of many who are aware and engaged keep on beating.

o   The life force still beats despite and through broken hearts.

o   Life invites us to integrate information, introspection, inspiration and intention.

o   Even if we don’t figure out our existence in this world, we can respond to life and its vicissitudes with wisdom and serenity.

o   We can live with presence, awareness, fervor, come what may.



